Saturday, October 25, 2008


Random facts - I am completely random when I talk. I think they call it A.D.D.. But anyway - thanks Nici for this one it has really made me think.

1. I am always worried that I'm not a good enough mom. I'm always thinking of ways to interact with my kids and make them think. But I never feel like I'm doing enough.

2. Cozumel with my sister - most beautiful place I have ever been to and such a funny trip. Remember the crashed moped?

3. I secretly want to live in Driggs Idaho. I was once offered a job in a snowboard shop and I wanted to drop out of college so bad and just snowboard for a living.

4. After eight years of marriage, I still think about Cam at least 3 times a day while he's at work.

5. For me, cleaning relieves stress.

6. I have been out of college for more than 10 years and still have nightmares about being late for/ failing classes. Sometimes I still wake up in the morning and am soooo glad that I don't have to go to school.

7. I love serving in the church. Whether it's visiting teaching, when I was stake YW's president or teaching Primary - I just love it.

I tag Laura, Kiki (you had better do this!), Vilate, Stephanie, Christiann, Gayla, Jenica.


wix said...

K, so Mindy, why'd you have to put the (you have to do this!) next to my name. I don't understand :)...

Ward Family said...

I remember how much you loved to snowboard. Do you still get to? I'm sure not as often as you would like, having all of those cute kiddos to take care of! Have we been out of college that long??? Amazing! We're old!