Thursday, October 16, 2008

Look at this dirty kid! All just from playing outside . . .

We call Hannah "Hanny Goat" for a lot of reasons, mostly because she will climb anything. She's constantly weaving over and under the kitchen chairs. We also call her that because she's around a lot of little kids that can't say her name and call her Hanny. The hair in this picture is great - it's leftover from pigtails during church. Now she really looks like a "Hanny Goat" - complete with horns.

Here's Hyrum the morning of pre-school. He was so excited and so far, is still loving it! His shirt says, "what happens at Grandma's, stays at Grandma's" - I love it.

Goofy faces just make me giggle. My kids don't make normal faces very often - this is mostly what I get.


Unknown said...

Thank you, Mindy. I so love these pictures and reminders of how great grandchildren are. Papa just stares at the computer screen and laughs.

Leigh said...

Kid pictures are the best!! What a fun lot you have!!

Ward Family said...

I love those pig tails! They are totally my favorite! Such cute kiddos!

EmmaJ said...

I love little babies being cheeky and sticking out their tongues! great pictures.