Friday, August 29, 2008

The Week of August 18th

We had a lot happen this week. My folks came out to visit for a couple of days and it was great! It was really nice to see them and to get all the food storage done. The kids loved having Papa to wrestle with for four days straight.

Then Cam, my Dad, Hyrum, and Paige all went to shoot for little while one day. Hyrum decided he was going to take and shoot his pretend shotgun, but he still had to wear the real ear muffs.

We also went out to our friend's the Jensen's to see their new baby Alpaca. He was sooo cute and soft. The kids thought it was great fun to play there for awhile.

Hannah discovered she loves truck books just like Hyrum. I thought this picture was funny because she is holding the book upside down. But she just looks so darn big!



Hannah is growing up fast! Glad your folks got to see you-all for a few days.

Ward Family said...

Your kids have the most beautiful eyes! You commented on me being the cookie queen...yup! I love baking cookies. Dinner, or anything else is torture for me, but cookies are so fast and yummy! Darrell works at a juvenile detention center here in Nampa, and works every Sunday from 2-10 so I have to get creative with the kiddos because they miss him so much. We do what we can!

EmmaJ said...

I love the new blog banner picture... and the ones of Hannah with the book and you and Paige feeding the Alpaca. Such fun adventures.