Sunday, January 3, 2010

Echo Location

Have you heard about Echo Location? It's where an animal sends out a noise that helps them identify where things or other animals are. I'm sure it works great - at least my kids think so. I have noticed over these past two weeks of vacation that my kids repeatedly call out "Mom!", I respond and then wait for what they have to say. Then nothing. I am calling it Echo Location. I think they do it just to see if I am:

1. Still alive
2. Where I am in the house/ car (why?)
3. If I'm listening to their every beckon call
4. Am willing to still respond

I think this incredibly annoying and personally not able to tune them out like my husband does. But now that I have the name for it - I find it a little funny. Am I the only one?


Ross Family said...

Nope. Not alone. My 6 year old does the same thing. Often he asks, "Where are you going?" when I leave the room, or "What are you doing?" My favorite answer is, "Watch and see."

I stumbled upon your blog by hitting 'next blog' from mine. Have a great day.

punkersdanielle said...

Haha, I like your theory! :-)

wix said...

You're not alone! At our house, we refer to it as "Marco Polo"--just like echo location. Love it!