Sunday, March 1, 2009

What is wrong with me lately?

Ok - don't answer that, but the last 24 hours have taken a toll on me. I am always a klutz - but I have had to laugh at myself lately. Yesterday I went to jump out of the truck to check the horse water, like I've done a million times and landed on my left foot, rolled the ankle and ended up flat on my back looking back up at the truck. I didn't even know what happened. At least it was just the little kids watching (I hope) - but then I still had to hobble around to fill the trough. Then, today at church, I went to chase Hannah up some stairs and fell up the stairs! Now, that just takes talent I don't care who you are!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

How can you post this question and not get a comment from your brother-in-law?