Monday, March 2, 2009

Attack of the Stroller

Some people might think this is all we do, it's not, but it is all the kids want to do. Except Hannah, notice her in the middle of everything reading a book (with her legs crossed - this is her trademark). I swear this is all she wants to do all day and brings me at least 10 books a day to read to her. Now, notice Hyrum's face while he's picking up the stroller to attack Cam with. Also, notice his underwear that are not only showing, but on backwards as well. He'll hate me for this someday. There are so many things in this video for me to find humor with. Of course, they are my kids - hee. . .hee . . hee

Who says men can't multitask?


Vilate Thacker said...

That whole book thing, it must be the age. That is all my Daphne wants to do too!

jenica said...

that is WAY cute.

Candice said...

That really is all you do, huh? :o) I'm with Hannah. Crossed legs - adorable!