Monday, January 19, 2009

The Difference In Brothers And Sisters

Sisters have a great bond. (Refer to my sister's blog) This starts very early - very spiritual and on a deep level. However, brothers also have a special bond, it's just different. It usually involves laughing, wrestling and overall harassment. But when Hannah and Paige want to really play hard then they go to Hyrum. No one can make the girls laugh like their brother. I have never heard them laugh as hard as they do with Hyrum. In these pictures Hannah was convinced she was goes to sit in Hyrum's lap, no matter what he thought. She backs up and plops into people's lap - her aim was good until Hyrum would move at the last minute.

But the girls have a kinship and Hannah looks up to Paige like no one else. She tries to mimic her and be a big kid just like her. Paige is patient and takes the time to show Hannah things and read to her. I love watching my kids interact - I'm learning so much!

This picture is just because Hannah is so stinking cute with her little pudgy hands!

1 comment:

Jill said...

I agree that there's just something about a sister. I'm so grateful for mine. I'm glad to see that your girls are enjoying each other so much despite the age difference. Sometimes I worry that there is too much of a gap between Elizabeth and Alaina but it is what it is.