Tuesday, March 11, 2008

So I am really behind in my blogging. It has been kind of crazy around here lately. Cameron's new schedule is really unpredictable and he has been working right through a lot of his days off. He even worked 22 1/2 hours in one day on his day off last week. When he is off, is usually when I get the chance to catch up.

I get a lot of questions about Lund. People want to know what it looks like and how I manage to stay sane in such a small town. Fortunately, there are quite a few stay-at-home moms around here and we like to get together a couple of times a week. For a town of only about 400 people, there are about 12 young families right here in town. I have decided to post some pictures of Lund, one of which is an aerial photo - I hope you can find it in there somewhere.
The big mountains with the snow on them are about 10,000 ft up. In front of them there is a circle of hills. The town is right in front of those, built along the highway. We are about 5,600 ft above sea level.


This is a picture of our house when the kids were out sledding in the front yard last month.

We still have a lot of work to do on it and when we get the front yard finished this summer I will post another picture. Right now, I am glad that the snow is covering up how ugly it is.

1 comment:

J. Doug said...

So nice to see where you live and the area from above even!
Hey this is a funny quesiton. Liz's parents have this dog named Jeb, who is a huge as a horse in my opinion, and they are looking for a new home for him. He should have tons of space. He is a good dog and just needs some space and training. Would you and Cameron be interested?
