Here's Neva with 3 day old Hannah.
It's funny how things come back around to you. I was recently tagged to open the fourth file in my pictures and choose the fourth picture from it and talk about it. I was making my bed this morning and the realization of a blessing came into my mind. It was November of 2006 and I was continually being prompted to get pregnant. I kept putting it off because I didn't want to get pregnant so soon and I hate being pregnant. But it just kept coming. So I finally gave in and prayed about it. It was an undeniable yes and I had some concerns. I was really worried about having babies less than 3 years apart (I know that sounds crazy, but babies really stress me out), I was worried about gaining even more weight and I was really, really worried about having a baby right before the winter. I had timed my last two so they would be past RSV season. I expressed all these concerns to my Heavenly Father and He reassured me that all would be taken care of if I would have the faith to get pregnant right away. I told Cameron about it and he was of course more than ready and gave me a "I told ya so" and we got pregnant the next month.
So I am making my bed this morning and for some reason flashed back on this conversation with the Lord and stopped to think about how those concerns turned out. Having Hannah less than 3 years after Hyrum wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Hyrum potty trained easily and Paige helped a lot with Hannah. First fear - solved. I did get HUGE after Hannah, but then started running for the first time in my life and am now smaller than I was after Hyrum (but still not back to "normal"). Second fear - solved. Sickness - While everyone around us kept getting sick, we just never really did. I realized this morning that besides having to be on oxygen for the first two weeks of her life, Hannah has been the healthiest baby we've had. Paige had RSV before she was one. Hyrum had continual ear infections and had to have tubes put in before 18 months. Hannah has never been to the Doctor for anything besides her shots (which I didn't even start until after a year). Third fear - solved. Wow, imagine that - the Lord blessing me with more than I could even imagine and ask for! I guess I should trust Him a little more. So thank you Christianne for this tag - it made me think about more than just the picture!
Saturday, March 7, 2009
A Tag From Christianne
Monday, March 2, 2009
Attack of the Stroller
Some people might think this is all we do, it's not, but it is all the kids want to do. Except Hannah, notice her in the middle of everything reading a book (with her legs crossed - this is her trademark). I swear this is all she wants to do all day and brings me at least 10 books a day to read to her. Now, notice Hyrum's face while he's picking up the stroller to attack Cam with. Also, notice his underwear that are not only showing, but on backwards as well. He'll hate me for this someday. There are so many things in this video for me to find humor with. Of course, they are my kids - hee. . .hee . . hee
Who says men can't multitask?
Sunday, March 1, 2009
What is wrong with me lately?
Ok - don't answer that, but the last 24 hours have taken a toll on me. I am always a klutz - but I have had to laugh at myself lately. Yesterday I went to jump out of the truck to check the horse water, like I've done a million times and landed on my left foot, rolled the ankle and ended up flat on my back looking back up at the truck. I didn't even know what happened. At least it was just the little kids watching (I hope) - but then I still had to hobble around to fill the trough. Then, today at church, I went to chase Hannah up some stairs and fell up the stairs! Now, that just takes talent I don't care who you are!