I have been really terrible about blogging lately and have decided to just play catch up all in one post. Here's what we've been to lately.Getting wood for the winter . . .
Daddy letting Hannah do his hair
I don't know if you can see this, but this is graffiti in our house. It was done by Paige and says, "I love you Hyrum. From Paige." I can't bring myself to clean it up. We had a very mild lecture about not writing on objects, only on paper. She wrote it in three places. I kinda want to trace it in sharpie so they will remember when they're 12/15.
This is Hannah's friend Mesa. They are a year apart, but love to play together. Every once in awhile I hear Mesa asking Hannah, "What? What did you say?" - She repeats it several times trying to understand Hannah's baby talk. It makes me giggle.
Paige took Hannah on a little ride the other day and also rode by herself for a 5 mile ride. I drove by to check of her a couple of times, but she did perfect.
The kids put on Cam's boxing and MMA gloves to goof off for awhile. Umm, please no comments about General Conference being on in the background :)
Hannah finally turned 2!! She got a puzzle and a barbie for her B-day and was very happy about both of them. We are still trying to teach her to tell people that she's 2 and not 5, sometimes it works.
That's about it for now, sorry I have zero ambition about blogging right now. I still love to read about everyone else though!
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Catch Up Time
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Monday, September 7, 2009
Did You Know That Cameron Hates Snakes?
Well, being from the land where nothing but the teenagers are harmless, I grew up loving snakes and my parents were always kind enough to let us bring animals home. Cameron's side of the family hates them. I don't find that hard to believe because just about every wild animal here bites, stings or stinks. His father hates them worse and his father before them would rather vacate a house than go after one. On my way home from a hike behind my house I found a harmless baby racer snake. It would try to bite, but had no teeth and was only 1/4" around and 8 inches long. I thought the kids would love and brought it home. Well, the kids did love it and played with it all day long. Hyrum even thanked Heavenly Father for letting "Slither" in our family. I didn't think about telling Cam that we had the thing downstairs in an old fish tank with a grasshopper waiting to be munched - it was too late and I was too tired. The next day was Sunday and Cam comes in to wake me up and starts to tell me about Hyrum crying and rambling on about some snake and how he lost it. I finally snapped out of it at that sentence and asked if he let it go. I sprint down the hall to ask Hyrum with Cam yelling my full name (he always calls me by my maiden name when I've done something wrong). Sure enough, Hyrum had accidentally let the snake go when he got up before the crack of dawn to hold the snake before Paige could take it away. To make matters worse, Paige decided that she should release the grasshopper as well so at least Slither could have something to eat - did I mention that I put it in our bottomless pit of a basement? Brilliant Melinda . . . So I don't even know if it's still down there, the kids have tried to look without luck, but at least we won't have any mice sneaking in for awhile. Needless to say - no Horsley man would go in the basement during our Sunday family dinner.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Hannah Can Escape
Unfortunately for me, Hannah has learned to get in and out of her crib without another sibling's help. So the training begins to teach her to stay in bed because that's where she's supposed to sleep, not just because she was trapped. I have a feeling that she took her nap on the floor of her room yesterday because I found her blanket there when she woke up an hour early. Ok Cam - I am ready for the other bedroom to be finished :)
Monday, August 3, 2009
Handart Trek 2009
What an amazing experience we had over the 24th of July! We were asked to be a Ma and Pa for Youth Conference this year. We had 8 kids in our family and did 12 miles the first day, 13 miles the second, and about 4 miles the last. The last day we marched out of camp and into the 24th parade in Lund. Needless to say the blisters on my feet prevented me from walking too fast. I still have one toenail that is really purple and still might fall off. But the overall experience was well worth the heat, exhaustion, and soreness. I loved getting know our kids and they were so amazing! They all worked really hard and had great attitudes!
We experienced all kinds of trials along the way, some were expected by the leaders, others were not. Handcarts broke down, people suffered from heat exhaustion, and some had their feet run over by a cart. We were also robbed by "bandits", had mail brought in by the Pony Express, and had all the men and boys taken away to march in the Mormon Battalion.
I was able to finally get an idea of what the pioneers went through. I always knew it must have been extremely difficult, but most accounts from journals say how much it was worth it. What those Saints did to be able to worship without persecution and have the faith to follow the Prophet is truly inspiring. I have a new, very personal respect for them.
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Paige's First Gymkhana
She did a total of five events including barrels, poles, tire race, balloon race, and the water race, three of which she had never seen until the day she arrived. Impressive! She worked really hard practicing and loved every minute of it. She didn't win anything due to all the professional kids that make this rodeo part of their circuit, but we were all soooo proud of how hard she tried.
Here's she's keeping her eye on the next barrel.
She's holding a cup of water that she had to bring back to the finish line with her.
This is the first side of pole bending.
We are really glad she had such a fun time with such a great horse. Great job Sis!!
Sunday, July 19, 2009
One of the coolest things I've ever done . . .
I had never been on a helicopter before and it was one of the coolest things I've ever done. The doors were off and with just a seat belt we went out for two hours and flew all over the valley.
He took us up by the Temple and we had an amazing view from there . . .
and then clear over to Red Rock.
It was sooo fun and a lot like a 2 hour roller coaster ride. The pilots also responded to 3 calls which was also pretty exciting (more for Cam). They took us right over the strip and we could even see the dolphins swimming at the back pool of the Mirage. (Click on the pic for a closer look)
We were eye level with the Stratosphere.
What an amazing experience! I would totally do it again!
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Fourth of July
We had another fantastic Fourth of July with a picnic in the mountains. It's also Cams' Mom's birthday, so it was her choice to 4 wheel up one of the canyons behind us. All the wildflowers were in bloom, the grass was tall and it was nice and cool up there. Even Cam's grandpa, Lynn, went - and he's 92! He drove the entire way by himself - it was awesome! The kids loved the entire trip, but mostly the picnic complete with fried chicken, potato salad and cookies - yummy! Brumbie had to go and she ran most of the 10 mile trip, so sometimes we made her ride on top of the coolers in the back of the ranger - she was pretty tired by the time we got home. This has been a such a fun summer!
Monday, June 15, 2009
School Field Trip
After roller skating, we went to the Mandalay Bay Shark Reef and had a guided tour. The kids loved it! Hyrum really loved the giant lizards. Then they were able to pet the stingrays. Paige really loved that part.
Here is Paige's class in front of one of the aquariums. This is the Kindergarten and 1st grade (minus one).
If you can believe it - this is the entire Elementary - all six grades. They are a really great bunch of kids!
I had a great time being with my kids and doing something different from our regular routine. Thanks to Cam for keeping Hannah so I could go!
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Hyrum Jay Horsley
I have felt so incredibly guilty about posting a spotlight for Paige and then never getting around to Hyrum. I don't feel right about posting anything else until this is done. I love him so much and he's so good to always be waiting on Mom.
Hyrum was my big baby. When he was born his head got stuck, then his shoulders, then the cord was wrapped around his neck, belly and then again like a sash. He had to be on oxygen for a couple of days before he could be released. The scale at the hospital at the time of his birth was broken, but when we left 3 days later, he weighed in at 8 lbs 14 oz. He's also the only baby I carried close to my due date, he was born the day before. He was born completely blond and in the pics below doesn't look very big at all - but that's not how it felt!!
He was such a mellow little guy and just sat there taking everything in. His sister immediately claimed him as her own and they have been like glue ever since. She wanted him everywhere she was and insisted on feeding him every chance she got. He looks up to her and will try things for her that he won't try for us.
He's always been the humor. Quiet, but hilarious. He's a lot like his Dad, he doesn't talk a lot and rarely in front of strangers, but it seems like his goal in life is to get us to laugh. He loves to scare people, wrestle with his Dad, ride horses, and loves being on a tractor, backhoe, etc.
Oh, and is completely obsessed with dirt. The dirtier the better. Wintertime is hard for Hyrum because he loves to be outside. His favorite thing is to push his little Tonka dumptruck all around the yard. He has tracks all over yard (he is not walking by the way - running the entire time) and is usually making some sort of machine noises for emphasis. We have 10 acres, so needless to say the kid is a little on the skinny side.
I think Hyrum' best quality is his heart. He is always coming up and giving me a sqeeze and telling me he loves me. He is mindful of his sisters and loves to cuddle with them (when he wants). As of lately, he's becoming a good helper and tries to set a good example for his sis's. He loves to help me in the kitchen and is pretty good. He loves his sisters even if he doesn't dote all over them. He is careful with Hannah and is sure to include her - if she can keep up. Look - he's even sharing his beloved tractors = big deal!!
For the most part Hyrum is happy and easy going. He doesn't have to be right in the thick of it and is sometimes just happy to hang out just outside of the action and observe.
I love my little man and am very grateful that Heavenly Father sent him to us. He makes us all smile everyday.