Saturday, July 26, 2008

8 Years!

Even though I'm really late writing about this, July 15th was our anniversary. Being the romantic Cameron is, he invited me to go with him to his FBI hostage negotiation class in Vegas. It turned out great because his mom was kind enough to take all three of our kids so we could go kidless! I didn't see Cameron that much, but we did go out to dinner and a movie . . with his friend that was taking the class with him. It actually was a lot of fun and overall a very relaxing trip. So romantic isn't Cameron's forte, but being a great husband and dad is. I am grateful for him in my life and he still has my heart.

This is when we first walked out of the temple and is still my favorite picture.

This was in front of the Oakland Temple.

And this was dancing at our reception.

I really wanted to capture what our family and friends were like when we would all get together. We always barbecued and it was always really laid back. And that was what I wanted for my reception. My Uncle Rick and Ted did the barbecuing for us and it was yummy!

This picture was taken while we were at the temple being sealed. My neighbor kid backed into my truck that we were supposed to drive home to Nevada in. Cameron's brother Aaron was trying to lighten the mood by writing "just married" in the dent - how sweet :0)

Here's Cam with my sis Laura and my cousin Kami.

Here's me with Cam's brother Aaron and Cam's best friend Scott.

Another great shot of my parents and Cam's parents.

Here's the crew that came to the temple.

Thanks again for all our family and friends (especially my mom!) who worked so hard to make the day so special - it truly was the happiest day (I don't count the birthdays of my kids as the happiest because I'm always too tired!) Thanks again to Mack and Linda for the photography - just gorgeous!

Friday, July 25, 2008

More Random Pictures

I just took this picture the other day of Paige and her horse Peaches and her dog Brumbie. They were riding in the round corral and I am so proud of how well she's doing.

Paige took this picture of her and Hannah playing - I love it.

Here's Hyrum and his friend John. They love playing together and I love the look on Hyrum's face! It pretty much sums up their friendship.

This is Hannah's new thing: carrying things in her mouth without hands. She'll even carry things all around the house like this while she crawls.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

The Horny Toad

This is the cake topper to our 4th of July wheeler trip. Please notice that the lizard never does touch Hyrum, but his reaction makes you think it bites his hand off. I really love the end where Paige kisses the lizard because she loves him!

P.S.For everyone outside of the desert, a horny toad is actually know as the horned lizard, so please don't look for a horny toad on the internet - it doesn't exist. These are little facts that I have found living here in Lund.

The 4th of July

For the 4th of July/ Neva's birthday we went for a 36 mile 4wheeler ride. It was a great ride that everybody enjoyed. We picnicked at the top of the mountain and stopped at several places along the way. Even though it was a lot cooler on the mountain, I managed to get really sunburned on my arms - not thinking sunscreen for me (apparently only the kids need it?).

Continuation of 4th of July

This is me drinking out of a spring near the top of the mountain. The water is sooo cold and yummy. We all had to get a drink.
Here's Hyrum - usually people use this spring to fill troughs further down to water their animals as the move them over the mountain.
This is Paige shooting Grandpa's pellet gun.
Hyrum shot as fast as Grandpa could cock the gun.
Paige is standing in front of a mine shaft that as been in Cameron's Dad's family for generations.

Horsley Family Reunion

This year we stayed close to Lund and went to a 4H camp and got to stay in cinder block cabins. It was much cooler than a tent and much quieter. There was a warm spring in the camp and that was where we were most of the time. It was great to see some of the family again.